Six years old

Yesterday we celebrated Jacob's sixth birthday. We did the usual. A family meal and cake. Or in this case cupcakes.

I can't believe he's six. He is so bright and smart and funny. He is so much like me (Not the bright, smart, and funny part). Which is the reason he drives me the most crazy. And why he holds a very special place in my heart.

Despicable Me was a big hit movie at our house. The enthusiasm carried right over into the request for a themed birthday cake. I quite exhausted myself over Christmas and I am so grateful that over the years I have made friends of the ladies in the bakery department at my favorite grocery store. $9.00 for a dozen cupcakes with 18 hours notice? I'll take it!

We had a quiet day. The first real Winter snowfall, and the coldest temps too. It was a great day to stay in, play with Legos, color Angry Birds and have serious meeting with all of the Avengers.

Grandma and PeePaw Kolaskey sent a lovely and delicious fruit bouquet to help us celebrate. Complete with chocolate covered pineapple slices in the shape of cupcakes!

After dinner I rounded up all the Hand men

Jacob received some new readers from his grandparents. William scoped out the rest of the loot.

Vintage Hess trucks. 

Bella can't help herself when the camera comes out
I pray all your wishes come true buddy.

Happy Birthday Jacob


  1. I remember when he was sucking on that plastic banana toy...

  2. Aw, I forgot that he and Knox are birthday buds! Happy birthday, Jacob!


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