The Big Party Recap

Saturday night was an amazing night for my dear mother in law, Barbara. She was so surprised to celebrate her birthday surrounded by 50 of her family and friends. We were happy to assist my father in law with the planning. I may or may not have gone a bit over the top. It's okay though, she totally deserved it!

In my previous party post I previewed the guest book. Here is the finished product.

I used my garage sale birdcage for cards and gifts

The cake was coconut filled from a fabulous local bakery

 The paper flowers were a hit and who new that Epsom Salt in a mason jar could be so pretty. I pinned the tutorial for the flowers ages ago and have been saving the mason jar lighting for just the right time. It was the perfect accent to go with the hard wood floors, exposed brick, down home feel of the restaurant. The cookies acted as our thank you favors.

I founds these super cute and free vintage inspired printable labels for the backs.

No party is complete without a "Happy Birthday" bunting. Thanks to Stephen for hanging it like a pro. (That's my sister in law standing beneath it.)

At the end of the day I was just thrilled to pay tribute and honor my amazing mother in law on her birthday. I was so thrilled that so many of her friends and family felt the same way, to brave the bitter cold, some traveling great distances to be with us that night. This last picture is of the Hand clan in its entirety. We've never taken a family picture before so this one is really special.

I leave you with what I've been playing at for the last couple days. My new Mac and I put together a short photo montage from the day. In case you're wondering about the song choice. Steve's Mom is a BIG Elvis fan. Enjoy:-)


  1. Nicely done! From the pics, it looks like the surprise party was exactly that. Great memories.

  2. It looks gorgeous! Did she love it?

  3. You survived it and it looked great! Way to go!


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