How has it been two years?

We celebrated Bella's second birthday yesterday. But wait. We couldn't have?!

Didn't this like, just happen?

Wasn't she just this small?

It did happen. A baby no more. This girl is bright, and funny. She loves to tease EVERYONE! She told anyone who asked her this week that she was going to be three years old instead of two.  She is adored by us all. Exhibit A being the picture above. She loves dolls and playing princess almost as much as she loves playing with her brothers trucks and super heroes. She calls her brothers "Day-Dup" and "Wee-Yum" and loves whisker rubs and dancing with Daddy. But I must say she's a bit of a Mama's girl and that's alright by me. I love her squeezes and her sloppy kisses. Her mischievous grin brightens even the most dreary day. I always imagined I'd be the mother of a house full of boys but I'm awfully glad God saw fit to bless our family with this extraordinary little girl.
Happy birthday Isabella Grace. 


  1. What a sweetheart. She's adorable.

  2. Looks like terrific twos are in store! Glad she had a wonderful birthday. And, I love that she adores her brothers.

  3. Happy belated birthday, Bella! Seriously, time flies...sheesh.


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