
Showing posts from September, 2012

Little piggys

I have a ritual. On Friday or Saturday afternoons I chase down my kids, hold them down, and trim their little little finger and toe nails. While I'm at it I tend to my own with a file and sometimes a bit of polish. It dawned on me yesterday while in the midst of my task that that's EIGHTY little fingers and toes by the time it's all said and done! These are the things one ponders when alone and out numbered 3 to 1.

It's Bella Time!

I had every intention of posting pictures when Bella passed six months but it didn't happen. Since then another month has come and gone so I've mashed them here together. The first three were taken 7-24-12 the last three I took 8-24-12. Do I get points for actually taking pictures?? Is it seriously September already? A whole new meaning to "Crabby Pants" The difference in one short month is the addition of two very sharp teeth! She loves William. Really. She does:-) My three cuties. I really need to work on taking pictures of the three of them. Poor William. Poor middle child;-)