Dinner and an ER visit

The party post is coming. I have a few loose ends to tie up for Stephen's Mom and I'm having some fun playing with the latest version of iMovie on our new Mac.

We may have celebrated Barbara's birthday on Saturday, the 18th but her actual birthday was yesterday the 19th. It's a day she graciously shares with her son and I as it also happens to be the anniversary of our marriage. It's been seven years and myriad adventures. Not the least being our three gorgeous kids. 

After the previous evenings festivities Mom was kind enough to offer her babysitting services so that we could share a meal, take some selfies and marvel at how the years have flown. Unfortunately, our revelry was short lived. I had been ignoring the tell tale signs of a medical issue that happens to ladies who get dehydrated and stressed out (say coordinating a surprise birthday party for 50 guests;-) I had planned to try to make it until the morning and head in to see our family doctor but I couldn't ignore the pain creeping up my back any longer. After our lovely meal we headed to the local ER. An hour later it was home to our kiddos with a mess of anti-biotics. 

It wasn't the anniversary I planned but we all say, "For better and for worse". This weekend we got a little bit of both. 

Still haven't mastered this selfie taking for two. 

This needs no explanation. I do love him so:-)

Here's to the seven behind us and fifty more! 



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