Life is a party

Well, not quite. My life has been hijacked by a party. I'm in the home stretch. Only five more days of secret keeping. Clandestine meetings and conversations with my Father in law in the garage. trying desperately not to spill the beans to my children. I've worked too hard to have loose lips sink this ship now! They are curious about the 30 paper flowers and the 50 cookies I've made but won't let them eat. Poor little lambs.

In the meantime here are just a couple of the other projects I've been working on. I'll do a full party recap after Saturday. I'm so excited to see it all come together.

I loved this idea for a guest book. I'd love to credit a blogger or website but the Pinterest link doesn't get to any source material. The picture is for a wedding guest book but the description had the great idea to modify it for a birthday party. That's just what I've done. I found a free chalkboard Guest Book printable and put some serious elbow grease into that silver tray that's been living in a dark and dank cupboard for who knows how long.

The cards say, "Great Memories, Wishes for you, and Things I admire" I love that Barbara (my mother in law) will have sweet things to read from her friends and family after the party is over. I even sent some to her best friend in Arkansas who can't join us but still wanted to be included.

I was totally inspired by Lauren's bunting Christmas cards and wanted to do the same for this party. Hand made Thank you cards for Mom to send to her friends. I didn't quite go all the way and sew fabric to cards. I did use scrap paper from a paper bunting and double sided sticky tape. the stamp actually belonged to Barbara's late sister who was an avid card maker (if there could be such a thing) These cards were super simple and I really enjoyed making them. I can see this becoming another handi-craft hobby I pick up.

This week will be filled with fabric cutting, ironing, and cookie decorating. Oh yeah, and our wedding anniversary is Sunday too! See you on the flip side!


  1. I hope you post lots of pictures because I have a feeling I'm going to like every detail!

  2. I can't wait for pictures! And kudos to you for all the hard work and attention to detail. Your mother-in-law is in for a real treat.

  3. Yeah…what the others said. Hopefully, you can find some time to put your feet up.


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