Winter supper

On the way home from church on Sunday we had to stop for gas. Naturally, while my man pumped the gas I perused Pinterest to see what all my crafty and foodie friends have been up to. I was immediately curious about a Beef Stroganoff recipe our favorite newlywed had recently pinned. I love seeing all the recipes she's been pinning lately. Isn't being a newlywed grand?

Back to the Stroganoff. Stephen has made a version of this for me on more than one occasion and I haven't cared for it. It shares some of the same ingredients but calls for jars and JARS of sliced jarred mushrooms. YUCK! Steve's recipe also lacks a creamy quality that I love about Stroganoff. Anyway, this recipe has it all. Two kinds of beef, fresh mushrooms, and two creamy additions stirred in at the end. If things couldn't get any better. The whole sha-bang gets tossed in your crockpot and five to six hours later you've got creamy, dreamy, beefy, goodness. We shared this crowd pleasing meal with Steve's parents and ate the leftovers for supper on Monday. I dare say it was even better the next day.

photo from Heather's Bytes


  1. Chris loved it too . .. and I even left out the sour cream because he hates it. But seriously, who doesn't like sour cream?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are so good to omit it. I would have put it in and never told;-)


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