new year, new...

This post is not going to be full of ridiculous resolutions but rather a short and sweet kick off to 2016. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have a personal laundry list of accomplishments I hope to check off my list this year but they're mostly boring. I will say that I will be here more often and hope to connect with you in a variety of ways.

I'll be sharing blog content and related posts on the Raising Hands Facebook page

I've also created a blog only Instagram account @Raising_Hands_ You can still following my @Delawaremama feed for what's happening with the family. 

I dipped my toes into the waters of Periscope last year and had fun. Look for me there @Delawaremama

For Christmas, I received an amazing new camera. That should improve the pictures around here too! No more pictures from my phone! 

Well maybe one last picture

I'm excited to see what 2016 will bring. Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon!

Happy New Year!!


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