come to the movies (a birthday party wrap up)

Our oldest turned eight earlier this month. His birthday is almost the beginning of the month so we always celebrate as a family before school goes back.

This year we also gave him a party for his friends to attend. Since we're all about Star Wars lately we had an afternoon at the movies. 

Our local movie theater offers a variety of party packages. We chose to utilize their private screening room and bring in our own movie. We watched the original Star Wars Episode IV. My thought was for some kids this may be their first exposure so why not start at the beginning. Also, as a parent nearly all of us are familiar with this film, and they could make a judgement about whether it was appropriate for their child or not. 

The theater provided all the popcorn we could eat (which was a LOT!) and I found these adorable popcorn bags at Michael's. A few doors down from the theater is a pretzel shop where I picked up a party tray with dipping sauces. 

On the sweet side, I made a candy bar of assorted sugary confections. Before everybody went home they also got to fill a treat bag for the road. This was a HUGE hit! 

The main event, of course, was the movie and while there were plenty of seats for everyone I just love how the kids all huddled together in the front. 

And because it wouldn't be a birthday party without cupcakes...

Actually, many kids took their cupcakes home. I found a cute way to wrap cupcakes to go on Pinterest using a plastic cup and a treat bag. I was so busy wrapping cupcakes to-go that I didn't get a picture but you get the idea. 

We had a wonderful afternoon and while I wouldn't say this party was stress free. It was by far the least stressful shindig I've ever done and I thoroughly enjoyed myself too! 

I can't believe he's eight!!


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