go noodle saves lives

It's Friday, the weekend is fast approaching and Winter weather seems to have finally arrived. For those of us in the Mid-Atlantic, it means we've entered our rainy season. Outside play gets tricky around here but more worrisome is the cabin fever that quickly follows. Enter Go Noodle!

Our son's second-grade teacher gave me a great gift over the Winter break and I just can't keep it to myself. A free website full of short organized physical activities totally suitable for indoor play. From silly songs with guided dance moves to Shawn T style exercise routines to Zumba. If your need to bring the hype level down they have videos for that too. Stretching and yoga, breathing and relaxing. But if you are my kids? They're all about the Kidz Bop dance videos. Even the littlest little can get in on the action.

I wish I had known about this when we were homeschooling. It's such a great way to just get the wiggles out if someone is feeling antsy. Or a productive way to keep younger siblings occupied while you work individually with an older child.  I'm glad to have this little tool up my sleeve now even if we're not homeschooling at the moment. For kids used to the routine of all day school, days and days (Or Snow Days!) at home quickly become tedious and mom feels more and more like a cruise director. Some music, movement, and laughter can do a lot to change the mood. Dance breaks save lives people!

Have a great weekend!


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