2015 wrap up

As 2015 draws to a close I find myself reflecting on our whirlwind of a year. I never seem to get my act together to write a Christmas letter but since it's still actually Christmas here we go. 

Stephen continues his work as Director of Leadership and Organizational Development as well as pursuing a Doctorate. Needless to say he stays busy and is always making the most of his free time to get in as many tickles, hugs, and snuggles with the kiddos as he can. 

Jacob is in second grade and growing in confidence and independence. He began taking piano lessons in the Fall and it's taking Mom right back in time listening to him practice. Even learning with same method books! When he's not doing homework or practicing piano Jacob is playing/watching/talking about Star Wars and/or Legos. He is also a great reader. His current favorites are the Gironamo Stilton series. Mom has also started reading Harry Potter. We're all enjoying that. 

William is in Kindergarten. He is sweet and goofy with a bit of a temper. He is always down for a good snuggle. He likes whatever big brother likes. Naturally the Star Wars obsession is strong with him too. William is learning to read and catching on fast. He will sit and practice with anyone willing to listen. His favorite book to read is the CPH Hear me read Bible. 

Bella is three going on fifteen. She is hilarious. Just ask her;-)  Her favorite activities include playing dress up, keeping Mom company while her brothers are at school and smothering said brothers with hugs and kisses when they come home everyday. The Princess Leia costume she recieved for Christmas complete with cinnamon bun wig has allowed her to get in on the Stars Wars action too. 

When I'm not cooking, cleaning, or chauffeuring kidlets to and fro (You know, normal Mom stuff) I enjoy crocheting, and stitching, and reading cookbooks. I had the opportunity to write an article for the Lutheran Witness which was published earlier this month. It's definitely inspired me me to spend more time writing. I hope to do that more in the new year. 

There you have it. We're happy and healthy and all another year older. Happy too that you're in our lives. We pray God's peace and blessings for you in the New Year. 



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