last minute gift idea

If you follow my Instagram feed you know that last week the Hands were struck by plague. The good news is that we survived. The bad news is that Mama had a list as long as her arm of things she'd planned on getting ready in preparation for Christmas. Cleaning, baking, decorating, you know the drill. Instead, I called my Mom and cried like a five year old. I happen to have a five year old so that description is pretty accurate.

The other big task that was not accomplished was a whole lot of sewing and crafting I had planned. Last year I loved making hand made Christmas gifts for all our family, teachers, and coaches. I had a similar plan in mind for this year but instead I'm adjusting my expectations and relying on Pinterest.

Enter my last minute gift.

1. Go get a bottle of yummy smelling hand soap or sanitizer

2. Go here and print out these adorable gift tags. (They have tags that don't say teacher too.)

3. Grab some twine, a hole punch, and your preschooler, trace their hand, cut them all out, assemble and BAM! You've got a cute gift.

You're Welcome!

Cheers, Saron

Kudos to Eighteen25 for the awesome free printable and inspiration for this last minute gift.


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