year by year, day by day

Last year at this time things looked very different around here. We made the bold decision to home school our oldest son through his Kindergarten year. The journey to that choice actually began nearly a year before that!

Two years ago in January we began touring local schools both public and private. The first school we went to see was our local Catholic K-8, Most Blessed Sacrament. MBSCS has an impressive, new and modern facility. It was obvious just walking through the doors how much they cared for their students. We were impressed by their rigorous academic curriculum and emphasis on the education of the whole child. The integration of arts and sciences together and the amazing access to state of the art technology. Our tours through other schools were mediocre at best (and I'm being kind). MBSCS set the bar high and we were soon on our way through the admissions process. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Class sizes are kept very limited and the Kindergarten class was full for the 2013-14 academic year.

What were we going to do? Homeschooling was never really on my radar as something I could do. I, like many others thought it was fine idea in theory. Great for others but not for me. Thankfully I have many awesome homeschooling friends who empowered Steve and I. Suggested books to read, curricula to use and many MANY atta girls needed to get us there. My biggest breakthrough was the realization that choosing a home education was not a life sentence. Nor is choosing public, private, or parochial education. If you look at any educational choice one year at a time it becomes far less daunting.

Our year at home was rewarding beyond measure. I will treasure it for years to come. If our situation were to ever change I have the confidence, and now the experience to be a home educator once again. I also have plans to continue some of last years materials and some new things for us to do at home this year too. We'll keep it light and keep it fun. But the learning won't have to stop when they get home. I'd love to check back in on what we're doing a little later in the Fall. Or, when it is actually Fall.

So how did we get here? In January, Stephen and I made the decision to once again begin the admission process at MBSCS. It really was our first choice for both our boys and if it didn't work out once again? I would be teaching my First Grader instead of writing this blog no doubt:-) Last Spring, both Jacob and William were admitted to Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. And yesterday was their first day!

The boys are excited about everything. Their big take aways from the first day? Jacob liked meeting lots of news kids, and William got to eat lunch in the Cafeteria (At least he attempted to say Cafeteria. Which was pretty adorable on its own). When i picked them up I was greeted by two boys smiling ear to ear. The younger boy smiling and excited to the point of shaking (If William were an animal he would be a Labrador. I am convinced of this) the older boy who is always more subdued (or dignified) waved enthusiastically when he spotted Mom in the van. I only shed a tear (or two) not at the loss of time with my boys but tears of relief and pride that they are whole and confident enough to be without me for a time. But sure was happy to see them at three o'clock.

For those wondering Isabella is having a ball playing with all her brothers toys while they are gone. Though I have been frequently asked today if it is time to, "Go get brothers?". We plan to make the most of our girls time this year!

What a year of possibilities we have before us. I'm excited about it all, and to share it with you too.

Much love, Saron


  1. Good point about taking it one year at a time. Every year brings new everything so it is great to step back and decide what is best annually. Such cuties on their first day, too!


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