an interview with Bella

I love hearing what little ones have to say. I'll get around to interviewing all the kids but I begin today with our littlest little. 

What is your name?
Isabella (isa•bewa)

How old are you? Two

What color is your hair? Green

What color are your eyes? Blue like Mommy's

What's your favorite food? Oatmeal (the last thing she ate;-)

What's your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me

What's your favorite treat? Chocolate (a girl after my own heart)

What's your favorite color? PINK!!!!

What's your favorite book? Bunny (Benjamin Bunny)

What's your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Scratchy (Whisker rubs)

What's you favorite thing to do with Mommy? Read stories

What's your favorite Movie? Frozen

Favorite TV show? Doc McStuffins

Who is your best friend? You Mommy

What's your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my baby bike (she has a push car and a peddle car so I'm not quite sure. She loves trying to ride her brothers Big Wheels too) 

What's your favorite thing to do inside? Babies (she loves her babies) 

Our Bella is such a treasure. I can't imagine our family without her. She has the sweetest smile and the most infectious giggle. We are putty in her pudgy little hands


  1. A girl with green hair? Sign me up!

  2. Pink. Always pink for the two-year-olds, right?

  3. Awww. I'm sure you're savoring the best friend status. :D


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