year by year, day by day
Last year at this time things looked very different around here . We made the bold decision to home school our oldest son through his Kindergarten year. The journey to that choice actually began nearly a year before that! Two years ago in January we began touring local schools both public and private. The first school we went to see was our local Catholic K-8, Most Blessed Sacrament. MBSCS has an impressive, new and modern facility. It was obvious just walking through the doors how much they cared for their students. We were impressed by their rigorous academic curriculum and emphasis on the education of the whole child. The integration of arts and sciences together and the amazing access to state of the art technology. Our tours through other schools were mediocre at best (and I'm being kind). MBSCS set the bar high and we were soon on our way through the admissions process. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Class sizes are kept very limited and the Kindergarten class was f...