My first born

This week we traveled back up North to the A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children to follow up with Dr Connor, the Orthopedic surgeon caring for Jacob's broken collarbone. Jacob fell out of bed in the middle of the night (no horse play involved;-) and broke his collar bone almost four weeks ago. We learned on Tuesday that Jacob is healed and free to resume all of his regularly scheduled activities. Jacob was devistated at his first visit when he was told he had to stay out of the pool for three whole weeks! It's been tough for him to watch his brother and sister at their lessons. It's been difficult for me to keep a six year old boy in a shoulder sling with his two feet on the ground:-) In the car on our way home and not yet off the hospital grounds Jacob asked if he could write a thank you note to Dr. Connor. He said he wanted to thank him for taking such good care of his bone. Steve reached over and grabbed my hand because he knew I'd just burst into tears behind my sun...