a tech review

I downloaded an new app a couple months ago and have been trying it out in the hopes of finding new things to write about.

Have you heard of BrightNest? It's a fun app to help you clean, organize, and beautify your home. Through the profile you create you are provided with weekly cleaning, organizing and decorating suggestions sent straight to your smart phone. In case you think, "I don't have time for that!" It even has a suggested amount of time each task should take to complete.

I honestly don't do most of the things they suggest. My organization needs require professional help at this point. Or my mother. But I have taken some of the quick cleaning suggestions and now have a fool proof and great smelling no chemical solution to cleaning my microwave.

This seriously works! I've done the same procedure with vinegar. But then the house smelled like......vinegar

Haven't you always wanted to clean with coca-cola?

You inspect you gas meter right?

I look forward to my weekly suggestions and as it's FINALLY beginning to look and feel like Spring. I'm trying to pick a few things to try every week. Check it out!


  1. Just saw this! Love the tips. I might have to look into that app… once summer hits!


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