March 17, 2014

otherwise known as St. Patrick's Day.

If anyone remembers last year I cooked a delicious meal and then the plague fell upon the house. Okay, just a stomach flu but when the number of sick people out number you 3:1  it's the plague. All I can say is that it's a good thing we had the family over to celebrate a day early this year. My St. Patrick's Day began the same way it did last year! The good news is that it appears to have been an isolated incident involving only one small person and I'm happy to report that this morning he is back to feeling quite himself.

I never got around to taking a picture last year so I'll share that with you now and repost the recipe too.

Oh yeah! we also received our highest accumulating snowfall of the year. It's been a wild 48 hours folks.

Beef and Guinness Stew

Check out this crazy March snow!

Cheers, friends


  1. Seriously, what is up with March? I think we were all delusional as children. I mean, who actually flew kites and welcomed spring breezes at the turn of Spring? That was a different realm ago.

    I hope your family is well now. Feel free to send leftovers . . .um, or make a new batch and send. ;) It looks delicious!


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