Poor sinful being

I saw  this link shared on Facebook last week. I read the title and thought, "Awesome!" someone who understands what a stay at home mom goes through.  I wanted to love this post. Here was Matt Walsh saying things that my husband and I have said to each other a hundred times. 

Then I came to this paragraph,

    "Yes, my wife is JUST a mother. JUST. She JUST brings forth life into the universe, and she JUST shapes and molds and raises those lives. She JUST manages, directs and maintains the workings of the household, while caring for children who JUST rely on her for everything. She JUST teaches our twins how to be human beings, and, as they grow, she will JUST train them in all things, from morals, to manners, to the ABC’s, to hygiene, etc. She is JUST my spiritual foundation and the rock on which our family is built. She is JUST everything to everyone. And society would JUST fall apart at the seams if she, and her fellow moms, failed in any of the tasks I outlined."

Oy, with the melodrama. Sorry Matt, but I don't need that kind of pressure. I am flawed, I am broken, I am a poor miserable sinner who feels most days that I am unworthy for the charge of caring for these precious blessings God has bestowed on Stephen and I. I did not bring forth life. God chose to open my womb just as he may choose to close it again. I shape and mold these minds with the word of God. The spiritual foundation of my family is in Jesus Christ. He is our chief cornerstone. 

I don't know anything about Matt Walsh. But what a missed opportunity to have a real conversation about what it means to stay home, the vocation of mother, and the need of society for more mothers to stay home. This is not accomplished by offering "free" healthcare so that mothers can leave dead end jobs to spend more time with their children. This is about the destruction of the family unit. This is about marriage. It is so much more than putting your wife on a pedestal that because of the worlds brokenness she will fall from. 


  1. I read that too and had the EXACT same reaction! His post was well meaning and sweet in a lot of ways. But I don't want that sort of praise or responsibility either.

    I'd love to sit down and chat with you. My sister and my sisters-in-law are also very different. I think we'd have a lot to commiserate on there ;-)

    1. We should have that chat when you get settled in your new place. I suppose we'll have to settle for the phone. If only the Floo Network were real:-)

    2. I had to Google "Floo Network" and then I felt like a bad Harry Potter fan ;-)

      Keep us posted on the home search!


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