We're homeschooling

We did it. We've drunk the Kool-Aid. We've crossed over. We're Homeschooling. We're having a ball. Of course it's all fun and games one week in. The process of getting here has been long. Six months ago I would have laughed in your face if you'd told me we'd be keeping Jacob home this year. 

The realization that I actually could do it came while reading The Well Trained Mind. That, and some good talks with close friends. I've taken many curriculum suggestions from the book authors as well as my fellow homeschool moms.

For phonics and reading we're using The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. We started a couple weeks ago and have hit our stride with it. For math we chose the Kindergarten curriculum from Saxon Math. I like how interactive it is so for. Jacob looks forward to it too. To round things out and make sure we didn't miss anything I bought the lot when it came to the Rod and Staff workbooks. I bought ten (A-I). In addition we're also reading from the Bible Stories to Read and working through the corresponding coloring pages. William is in on that part too and has some preschool Rod and Staff materials of his own.

Preparing for the school year brought back lots of good memories. I loved going back to school as a kid. I love the smell of a box of brand new pencils. I love the possibility in a new school year. Ask me how we're doing in a month. Meanwhile I managed to snap a few pictures from our first couple days. Enjoy!

Pattern Blocks are a huge hit.
A rare quiet moment in the Hand house
I love seeing the difference between a five year old
and a three year old
Even Bella keeps herself busy while her brothers work. She loves when Jacob recites the letter poems he's learned


  1. Cool! I'll have to check out the math curriculum you're using in a couple years.

    ...and I look forward to hearing the ups, downs and everything in between (i.e., realities!) about it! All the best!


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