
I've been having a big ole pity party for myself these last couple months since my Hoshimoto's diagnosis. I was recently snapped back to reality by a phone call that my latest blood worked showed my situation deteriorating. It's never good when your doctors nurse calls to have you come in first thing the very next morning:-/ 

The last time I left the doctors office I had more questions than answers and became very overwhelmed by a lot of information on the web (good and bad). I've had time to wade through it and went to my appointment armed with good questions. My doctor (who has a terrible reputation and now I know why) brushed me off and basically ignored me.  He is the only endocrinologist in a 60 mile radius and he knows it. He can do whatever he wants. He's a charlatan. 

So, now I have a diagnosis and a doctor who refuses to treat me. Well, refusing to run a more specific set of tests to make sure I don't need additional hormone support. One thing I've learned is that the thyroid is a highly complex body part and responsible for the normal function of basically every system in our bodies. When its not working properly nothing works properly. 

Needless to say I went home from my appointment and found a new and reputable doctor. I'm going to have to drive two hours to Wilmington to see him but hey, if it gets the job done it's worth it. I can't see him until the middle of November (the first doctor I called had a wait list until March! Thanks Obama) but my outlook is already brighter knowing I'm finally going to get some answers. 


  1. How maddening. Good for you for taking it seriously enough to go somewhere where you can get good care and your questions answered. Praying for you.

  2. The ever frustrating quest of finding good care. Even a doctor who can say "I don't know, but let's try this, or let me refer you to Dr. so and so" is of better value than those who simply don't listen. I hope you've found it in this new doctor. You are in our prayers.


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