a bathroom renovation, before and after

Do you know the book If you Give a Mouse a Cookie ? Well, that could have been the story for this bathroom renovation. It all began with a hole in the bathtub. The previous owner had attempted to fill it with some sort of caulk in can business. You know the commercial where the guy puts a screen door in the bottom of a boat, sprays some magic goo et voila! He's rowing off into the sunset. Yeeeah, that stuff. Thank goodness it worked, in this case. No structural issues or water damage. We got to skip right to the fun part. Once we determined to replace the tub, it only made sense to refresh the flooring. The peel and stick tiles had seen better days and to replace the flooring the toilet had to come out, and while we're at it that vanity is awful......See where I'm going with this? We took it all out and put all new back in. I've never had the opportunity to take a completely black canvas and make it my own. I had a blast! I have to admit too that I'm a little jeal...