10 in 10

My sweet friend Adriane from The Little House on the Dairy asked me to do a 10 in 10 this week. I love these little peeks into what my friends are up to since we live all over the country and rarely get to see one another. I picked a day (last Friday) that the kids would have an activity so you wouldn't get ten pictures of the insides of my dishwasher and washing machine. You're still going to see some laundry though. It can't be helped. 

What started out as a run of the mill Friday took one turn after another and became sort of a mess of a day. but here it is anyway. It's about to get real.

8:00 AM (really almost nine)
The kids and I are reading Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims this Summer. We're really enjoying it so far and I admit to be learning just as much as they are. 

9:00 AM
Breakfast continues. I'm through reading and usually unloading and reloading the dishwasher while the kids finish up. 

10:00 AM 
You can find me folding laundry. Today the kids have swimming so I'm packing up their gear as well. Our bedroom has this little sitting room but it has been taken over my sewing machine and craft supplies and usually a couple loads of laundry that can't seem to make into drawers. Yeesh.

We interrupt this blog to explain how a perfectly ordinary day get hijacked by four and six year old boys and their scatterbrained mother.

Just before 11:00 AM I told the boys to grab their gear and hop in the van. I grabbed Bella and my keys made sure everyone was buckled and we took off to make our 25 minute drive to the pool. Arriving just in time I told the boys to grab their swim bags and follow me when a wide eyed Jacob asks me, "Mom, where's my bag?" This isn't happening. We left without the bags! Thankfully their coach was gracious about the whole incident and had sometime later to get the lessons in. We flew home, had some lunch, piled back into the van, and started out again.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming

With our gear in tow we hit the pool. 

We're still here working hard. The younger two have had better days but coach was forgiving given it was nap time. Jacob has been working very hard this Summer and is working toward the goal of joining the swim team in the Fall. 

My afternoon was shot at this point and the dinner I'd planned was not going to happen. This BBQ joint is on the way home from the pool and has saved my bacon on more than one occasion. It doesn't look like much but the good places usually don't do they?

Home at last and completely wiped out. I stuck the BBQ in a covered dish and put it in a water bath to heat up nice and slow. In two hours this is going to be good stuff!

One more stop. Stephen's Mom, after hearing about our disaster of a day invited the boys over for dinner and to spend the night. The boys always love a night over at MomMom and PopPop's house. Bella doesn't spend the night every time. Tonight she came home with me. She still has a pretty early bedtime. So I make the most of it. I call these nights modified date night!

Stephen, Bella, and I finally get to it down to some awesome BBQ
That is a plate of Summertime right there

Life never happens the way you plan. Some days the turns it takes are trying. Sometimes the turns it takes are even better than what we'd planned. At the end of the day we're happy, healthy and when we wake up the next morning we get to do it all over again.

Thanks Adriane for the challenge. 


  1. Sounds like a perfectly normal day if you ask me! (Also, your son is a way better swimmer than I am. As in, he actually puts his face in the water.)


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