adventures with bella

Last Tuesday Isabella and I ventured to Wilmington to meet with a pediatric surgeon. We are very blessed to live so near one of the best children's hospitals in the nation. We met the surgeon to discuss treatment/repair of an umbilical hernia defect she's had since birth. We also learned that she has not one but two hernias. The second is located above the bellybutton called an epi-gastric hernia. I'll cut to the chase. She doesn't need surgery now and best case scenario she may never need surgery. The goal is if surgery becomes necessary that she only need one surgery to repair both defects. Are you confused? Simply put, Bella is great and we'll be meeting with Dr. Murphy (who totally reminds me of Mr Rogers) annually for the next several years to keep an eye on things. Fresh off a trip to see her Ped where she received a few immunizations Bella was naturally a little nervous to be heading to another doctors appointment. (But doesn't she look fabul...