10 in 10

It was suggested that I do one of these. I do enjoy seeing how my friends spend their days. Here is what we did on Tuesday.
Our day usually begins around 7am The kids jump right into the play and Mom jumps right in too
An hour later the kids are dressed and fed and I finally get a bite.

There's a lunch to be made for my big preschool going boy

and primping to be done by an oh so girly girl. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays Jacob attends Montessori Preschool in the afternoon. He absolutely loves to go to school

The little kids and I head to MomMom's for a little lunch and spoiling

My spoiling takes place here.

Times to pick up Jacob and show off my updated locks

Back to MomMom and PopPop's for some more playtime  before we head home

Then it's home we go. Just enough time to toss a little Shepherd's Pie into the oven for our supper
The next time I do this I'll have to remember to make sure William gets in more photos. He's not one to run when he sees the camera. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into what we're up to around here. Can't wait for warm weather so I can do a 10 in 10 at the beach!


  1. That was fun and l love your new 'do. And yes, a beach 10 in 10 is a must. Thanks for playing along. :)

  2. What a good day! And I like the 'do! How nice to have family nearby!


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