
Two weeks ago we travelled to Allentown to attend the funeral mass for Stephen's Uncle Fred (His father's brother). Uncle Fred died in December. Don't ask me why it took until January to perform a funeral mass. He was cremated (again, don't ask) so I suppose there was no hurry.

At the luncheon following the service I was seated with Aunt Cathy's (Stephen's Aunt) sister Anna (It's a lot I know). Anna is a charming old lady from Northern New York (NOT UpState or so I was corrected). We made polite conversation. My children were being well behaved and Bella was the star of the whole restaurant. Once Anna ascertained that I was a pastors wife (well, I am sort of a pastor's wife. That will be changing soon. Stay tuned;-) she told me I just HAD to have this book. For all the entertaining I must do! I smiled politely and the afternoon came to an end and I thought I would never hear from her again.

I was surprised to receive a package in today's mail containing this cookbook published in 1978 (that's considered vintage right?) and a note written in the loveliest hand. She gushed about my family how nice I was how beautiful we all are ( I forgot to mention Cathy's side of the family is Italian. Like, for real Italian) I didn't think we'd interacted that much and I was certainly a distracted conversation partner keeping an eye on my brood. This was such a lovely thing to receive on a gloomy January day:-)

By the way, the book is full of classic recipes. I can't wait to try some. Served in Pyrex of course;-)


  1. Interesting. What's the casserole to potato ratio? :)

    And what's the deal with pyrex? I like it, but is there a health or trending reason it's everywhere?

    Hope your news about Steve's vocational status is copacetic.

  2. You'll have to post recipes when you try them!


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