Feeling crafty

I blow hot and cold when it comes to the projects I do. I really get a lot of enjoyment from doing crafts but I don't like all the stuff everywhere and the mess it involves. Someday we will buy a house and it WILL have a craft room!

In the meantime Father's Day is Sunday and here is another Pinterest inspired project:-) I would link to the source but the author gives no instructions. Just trace on scrapbook paper and mount in a frame.

I used a 10x13 photo frame. Since scrapbook paper is 12x12 I cut a section of poster board to size to mount the hands on. I traced everybody's hands on plain paper then transferred the tracings to the scrapbook paper. I used a gluestick though I probably should have used scrapbook tape. I saved the little templates in case I have to redo it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend:-)


  1. Thank you Lauren:-) I'm really happy with how it turned out. I did smaller frames with just the kids hands for our Dads. They were a hit:-)


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