William Monroe

This kid has the most beautiful eyes

Always eager to give Bella hugs and kisses

Wanting to be where the action is

Off on another adventure
William is my second born. He's my laid back little man. At two and a half he is determined and strong willed but very kind. He's our cuddlebug. Where Jacob is thoughtful and analytical. William will act first, think later. He's a funny little guy who marches to beat of his own drummer (often with his eyes closed). Always ready with a hug or a, "Big Squeeze" as he likes to say. He is his big brothers little shadow following him into any situation (sometimes right into trouble) and also like Jacob, William adores his new baby sister.


  1. I didn't know his middle name was Monroe. How cool!

  2. Stephen has this geneolgy book on the Hand side of his family. Or, at least those that settled in one particular county in PA. There was a James Monroe Hand who lived about a hundred and fifty years ago. It jumped out at us and we fell in love with it:-) There were Williams in there too but it's also my maternal grandfather's name as well as my brother's middle name.


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