1st appointment

After the longest three weeks of my life I had my first appointment at the office of my new OB. I actually saw a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) but fear not my non crunchy gal pals I have not fallen off the deep end. The midwife could see me sooner than the OB. I will meet him next month.  Today's appointment consisted of a LOT of paper work and every girls favorite pap smear (yeah right).

According to my dates and information I have been given and EDD of January 31, 2012. It's too early to hear baby's heart beat with the Doppler so I'll get the pleasure of hearing that fast little thump, thump, thump next month.

I was diagnosed last Fall with Hypothyroidism and have been taking medication to control it. When well managed through pregnancy Thyroid disorders aren't a big deal. I have also been referred to a Perinatologist in the Maternal and Fetal Medicine department at the hospital in Dover where I will deliver. He will review my case and meet with me in a few weeks to determine how often (if at all) I will meet with him during my pregnancy. Naturally, I have a lot of questions and I'm looking forward to learning what this mean for my pregnancy. I did clarify that it does NOT label me as a "High Risk" patient which was a relief.

It's been a lot to take in but I'm happy and excited now that the first visit is behind me. Also, in case you were wondering where my husband was through this whole process:) He is away on business in Salt Lake City, Utah. With beautiful mountain views and classes at a country club. Poor, poor Stephen:-P


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