This time of year

I love Thanksgiving and Advent and Christmas. I love cooking and baking. Going to church and quietly preparing for the celebration of our Lord's birth. Sometimes in the quiet sweet memories become bitter when my thoughts turn to loved ones I've lost. My grandmother in particular. This December 23 will mark the tenth anniversary of her passing. This morning as I got a head start preparing our Thanksgiving meal I made a cranberry relish from her instructions and a Texas Sheet Cake that was her favorite. She's been on my mind all morning and I miss her just as much as ever. Fair is fair Lauren. Here I am (at 13) in a blaze of bangs and braces glory. I'd love to share the sheet cake recipe with you too:-) Texas Sheet Cake 2 cups unsifted flour 2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup water 6 tablespoons cocoa 1/2 cup sour cream 2 eggs 1teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon baking soda Combine flour, sugar, and salt into a large mix...